Common grounds

Life travels on

We try and find

The balance between

Ideal and perfect

Yet the solution lies in

Simplicity and understanding

How strange

We have the power

To express our love

Our feelings

Yet bound by unknown shackles

Refuse and resist

Beyond the borders of obstinacy

We mourn our departed

But are too proud to

Let the living know

We run parallel

Like train tracks

Bearing the burden of life

And yet never meet

On common grounds

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The poem explains all. Read and ponder

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common grounds

If we could meet on common grounds this world would be so much better.
People play too many childish games with each other. good metaphors. hbw
nicely written.

Ps. if you woud like to use a stanza from my weeping willow poem,
along with your sketching, feel free to do so. please just add my name to stanza. ok.
I am now writing under heather wilkins (my married name)