I sit and ponder
My car insurance has run out
What do I do now I wonder?
I resolve to be smart
I will surf and I will hunt
From my money I shall not part
I clicked the mouse
And felt like a king
For a quote out of this world
As the website went searching
Promising to save money
And providing the best
Soothing a confused mind
Its anxiety laid to rest
What followed I cannot describe
It was a lesson learnt
An experience difficult to imbibe
I rang the first seven
To find they were from hell and not heaven
A sales consultant will be with you shortly
We are experiencing a high call volume
Your call will be answered in three minutes
You are moving up the queue
The automated service was making me blue
Exasperated I think I heard a human
Dared to confirm when he snapped
Can I take your name and date of birth?
And the post code
In a single breath
Spoke the angle of death
Ensuring he had the right person
I gave him my name
And for the rest I replied
I entered all this info
Pressing buttons
Why do I need to go over it again
See it might not be you
Now can I have your name please?
But I just told you
Programmed, the human replied
No its F at the end
F for foxtrot I said being polite
Desperate to say no F as in a word
That rhymes with suck
So how can we help you
I want to buy the policy
Quoted on your website
We don’t have the same quote on our system
But, but, but was all I could stammer
When he quoted the new price
It was like being hit by a hammer
Argument and counter argument
Was most unproductive
I hung up and went searching
Three days later
There is no place I have not been
I have locked my car
And become green
Nice expression of the agony you underwent. Shows how much the internet racketeers can fool us. I enjoyed reading it.