Guide from a Bully

The bully does not maintain a different face or anything extravagant that makes them to be identified properly. They are around us. Domestic bullying is not unheard or anymore a rare issue. Several domestic bullying already had come to a fatal destination. The bully does not feel what they are doing to others or especially to the introvert ones. A victim who suffers continuous bullying which is left unattended must come out with the worst outcome.


Power practice is the main pleasure of the bullies. They enjoy it and try to do it repeatedly without thinking about the outcome of it. The person who is bullied may lose his general thinking capability or will be in tremor while taking any firm decision. The bully thinks that it is their so-called right to ‘guide’ in this fashion. 


There are a lot of people who cross the limits and start bullying outsiders over social media or anywhere they can. Harassment over social media has become a common scenario that must not be ignored. Without knowing the other person’s scenario sometimes the bully just comes to a conclusion and makes a decision about somebody which definitely creates bad feelings. The bully is sometimes a shameless person and never understand that he/she is losing respect by these heinous act.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

2 july 2021

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Thank you for posting that.

Thank you for posting that.

J-Called [fka Starward]