Recommendation Letter (For Student)

academic writing

Dear Admissions Committee,

It is a great pleasure to recommend RXXXXXX. She is one of the most exceptional students I have encountered in my teaching career. I taught her mathematics in both O-level and A-level. She has a keen interest in and talent for physics, mathematics, chemistry, Biology and scientific inquiry. Her advanced skills and passion for the subject make her an ideal fit for your institution.

RXXXXXX is a perceptive, sharp, quick individual with a high aptitude for mathematics and science. She likes to study in Biochemistry. Apart from being a high achiever in academics, she participated in the 6th International Young Mathematician’s Convention held in India. She is mainly an auditory learner as well as likes to learn through reading books. She has participated in Dhaka University Model United Nations (DUNMUN) and JAAGO foundation’s community works as well. She undertook a two weeks internship in Square Hospital, Dhaka. She willfully participates in cultural activities.

RXXXXXX’s personal strengths are as impressive as her intellectual accomplishments. She is an active, outgoing presence in class with a great sense of humor. She is soft-spoken, her cheerful nature and openness to feedback means she is always learning and growing as a learner, an impressive strength that will continue to serve her well in college and beyond. She is just the kind of driven, engaging, and curious student that helped make our classroom an interactive and lively environment.

RXXXXXX has my highest recommendation for admission to your biochemistry or engineering program. She has demonstrated excellence in all that she puts her mind to, whether it is designing an experiment or collaborating with others. Her endless curiosity, combined with her willingness to take risks, leads me to believe there will be no limit to her growth and achievements in the institution and beyond.


Dr. Zayed Bin Zakir Shawon
Mathematics Teacher
xxxxxxxx School

Ps.Please do not hesitate to contact me at  if you have any questions. Phone: +880-xxxxxxxxxxx



Author's Notes/Comments: 

13th november 2016

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