I wished on a star that she never has to feels what shattering glass feels
I hoped to myself that she never has to feel a real goodbye kiss
I prayed to my God that she would never have to bare her soul over a social network
Lord knows I prayed
I want to protect her from all pain but how can I do that
without keeping her happiness captive
I want to keep her away from all lies hoping that she never has to feel the pain of there dagger like words
but how can I do that without making her weak
I want her to know that men hurt
but woman destroy
but she'll figure that out on her own
I want her to know what right is without introducing her to wrong
but I know that's impossible
so i'll teach
I'll teach her that Blue won't have all the clues and
Dora doesn't explore all the things you wanna see
and sometimes love has an expiration date
I'll teach her that love has no gender
and if she ever decides to fall for woman
I'll be there to love bravery down her spine and accept her like my mother never did me
And yes
I'll be reminded of all the times we loved so i'll push these memories far behind my mind
because right now where talking about her
you were always so selfish
See what you did now she knows what love is
If she ever comes home with eyes like red roses on mahogany caskets
I'll blame you
because some how your hurt has fallen from us to her
if she ever comes home with bruised knee caps and a heart filed with questions
I'd hold her in my soul like the new testaments on judgment day
I'd tell her that love is the passion that keeps you going so sorry if you feel wary but keep going this is just the beginning
I'd tell her never regret loving someone no matter how bad the outcome is your a stronger woman with a lesson learned
But if she ever feels alone like she is now a hand me down fabric that was pulled out the depths of her seasonal closet
I'll tell her about you
My fairy tail without the happy ending
I'd tell her that I know what pain is
I use to hurt like C- sections birthing dead babies
I know what its like to want someone to remember you
I know how it feel to forget who you are
I remember the dial tone of our last conversation
Our Unbidden, forbidden words
Emotions I had hidden,
Without needing to.
You already know what Iām telling you don't you
This poem was never about her
I promised you that I would stop chasing your memories
I promised you that I would stop discussing you over tea and loneliness
I said that I would marry a man so I could have his daughter so I can look in her eyes
and see that God gives us all second chances
but enough about you
because right now where talking about her
you were always so selfish
This is truely amazing!