
You don’t want to know the real me

Would you accept me, if you could read my mind?

Or saw the state I am in?

Would you say you care…

When you saw me cutting?

In my madness that I cut?

Would you even want to face me

If you knew I had placed those bruises

And if you saw I am not as happy as I portray?

I am not happy, but I can’t show you

I am afraid you will see my sadness and not react

Or worse tell me I should change…

Without even trying to understand

So I cut in secret, not in shame

Choosing a select few to know

The few that know are worthy of handling me

Worthy of comforting me

You are not worthy, because you don’t want to be

You are perfection


So I cut on like I move on

You handle yourself in a different way

Does that make you better?

I think not

Giving attitude to others in not better,

Just placed on someone else

So I give myself the hits you feel like giving others

We are no different you know

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Afzal Shauq's picture

its a good poem friend with rich idea and perfectly done in sweet way..impressive and heart catchy..even heart touching too... means you are a good poet... wish you write more and more...hope you will also go through my poems and you will like them...your comments will be respected and added to my new book if you wish...I am basically known as (peace wisher poet) with 6 book published and all are online... let me share with you one of my famous say regarding peace...((( a friendly smile is the best weapon of war to fight with...Afzal Shauq ))) hope you like my work too...its my birthday and my best friends are wishing me poems of friendship... be a good friend too

Afzal Shauq's picture

shana you seem very good poetess,,.....you wrote a good poem with new theme and the way you did is intereting..hope you go through my poems and comment to know...