Find the circles in the skies
Hold the world inside your head
Lead on, this fair path of Destiny's way-
O ancient runes on marked stone-
Real though far away they seem
Unto only this, the beholder's eye.
A merry soul, a disheartened sigh
Buried deep within your heart
Believe in this, the truth from all;
A winding way between the rows.
Blackness surrounding, breath on frosted glass
Hope for healing, no singing for peace-
Silence is all to be found.
Among the leaves sitting in your hand
Drops of water, rain and blood;
A cry of love, a call of death-
A time to search your inner soul.
Can this, O winding wind-blown way
Be the one dream that starts it all-
On sultry summer nights,
The winding way seems out of reach.
And though the sky be dark and the wind be cold
In this, the still and sullen silence
You'll always find that twisted path-
The path of Destiny's way.
This is such an awesome poem and the fact that it was inspired by a target bag makes it even better, lol.