Sea of Dreams

Secular Poetry

I suffer from such dreams as this-

That I should hope to live at peace

And someday happiness might chance my way.

Yet hope is simply that, just hope-

A dream yet to come true.

Dare I lift my pen to write

And walk this shadowed road?

Or do I sit and simply stare

With nothing but these empty thoughts-

Thoughts to accompany me here.

And yet, how can I go on?

Yet go on I must-

For if I should stay

Enclosed within this barren place

I fear my heart may freeze

And my body perish.

These dreams of mine

O, these foolish, hopeless dreams

Carry me onward upon the softest wind

And pass silently over the wildest seas.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

~written 9/2/02

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fighter4life's picture

Another great poem.