Our Love

My love is a warm summers day,

My love is the sun shining on your face, and the smell of fresh hay.

Your love is a great big open field,

and the sun dazzling off the lake in a deep, rich teal.


My love is a warm, sweet breeze.

My love is the soft humming of a honey bee.

Your love is the mechanic roar of our tractor ride,

Your love is the rolling hills at sunset that behind, the sun hides.


My love is the soft, tangy notes of my guitar that I pluck,

My love is sittin in the bed of your truck.

Your love is the way my hand fits in yours,

Your love is the prisms of light condensing on your Coor.


A warm summer's night,

A firefly dancing, giving off it's glowing light.

This is what your love means to me.

Our Love is the only thing that we need.

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Stardust's picture

wow. great write :) i just

wow. great write :) i just love poems like these

best wishes :)