Epigrams On The Election, November, 2014


The moneyed class is thrilled by this election:

The workers and poor suffer in this rejection.

The next two years' bleakness begins tomorrow---

frustration, disappoinment, fear, and sorrow.



Changed is our once splendid demoncracy

tp an exclusive, moneyed oligarchy,

an insult to the founders' history,

a selfish party sipping purloined tea,

its purposes covert, twisted, and snarky.



During the next two years

we should let our fears,

bring panic; nor weep bitter tears

for an imagined "might have been."

Instead, relentlessly make preparation

(with civil rage and courteous indignation)

to turn our country's course about

and toss their tight-clutched hoard

of stale tea overboard,

and turn those rank imposters out.






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