Words From Mnason, An Old Disciple, 1

[after a depiction of the emptied Cross, prone on Calvary, by Gustave Dore]


(Acts 21:16)


We could not speak on that cloud-clotted night:

its darkness seemed to swallow every light.

The next day, a soft glow rose, eastward, bringing

dew scattered over blossoms and birds' singing.

I rose, dressed, and walked through the city's gate,

along the path of sorrows (as of late).

Dawn pinked beyond that ridge called Calvary

which, calm and quiet, seemed to beckon me.

The central cross, His, lay prone on that rock

as if placed in that posture reverently.

I felt real peace and no indignant shock

(unusual, given how this old man mourns).
A swatch of cloth lay limp on the upright;

atop that, also placed, the crown of thorns.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by an engraving by Gustave Dore.

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