Christ came to us, in flesh was born
that none need live with sin's foul scorn.
That we might live eternally,
He died upon the Roman tree.
Dawn, shining on His empty tomb,
showed that He conquered our death's doom.
He gave His life that we might live;
thus freed, we need not take . . . but give.
A little less is often more;
the rich have woes, blest are the poor.
We have an altar, and a right
to it, who walk by faith---not sight.
Even in midst of life's distress,
we are both blessed and called to bless.
Pease we ensue, and peace we seek---
the pure in spirit and the meek.
Judge not the one who has not heard
the Gospel's joyous, saving Word.
Judge not nor measure anyone:
that privilege God grants to His Son.
Conclude the night, begin the day,
upon your knees---time made to pray.
Let each of ours devoutly work:
in sloth, temptations slyly lurk.
Christ, Who once calmed the storm-tossed sea,
can calm the storms in you, in me.
Christ, Who has raised the dead to life,
can raise up concord out of strife.
Christ, from Whose Hand we cannot slip,
keeps us close in His Fellowship.
Part not with friends left in the lurch---
out in the world, or in the church.
In Christ's name, what you consecrate---
you will the more appreciate.
Let not the hard look or soft pout
exclude, or drive, the brethren out.
Sow Gospel seeds in every field,
but let Christ tally up the yield.
A title need not tag your name,
for all who serve Christ are the same.
Keep eyes on Christ, ears on His Word,
that peace of mind may be assured.
None of the flesh has right to judge;
for flesh prefers to bear a grudge.
The soul that, seeking Christ, is healed,
is, in the Holy Ghost, now sealed.
You need not fear the world's dark night
if you have love, for love is light.
Seek not the crowns for their own sake
but that more faith you may partake.