Sing all you nations!
Give praise all you peoples
The Lord our God is one!
What are we to the Adonai
Who breathes out stars
And galaxies trail in His wake?
He spoke and it was so
His indomitable will became manifest
And creation sang with joy
The second Adam created the first
He secured the redemption of His children
From all the peoples and nations He called them
Not one so called was lost
And by His wounds were we healed
By His righteousness made righteous
By His holiness works our sanctification
So we say, "Who is like Him?"
"Who against Him can stand?"
The Triune God, the Trisagion God
The God of justice and mercy is coming
He is coming soon!
Tremble you descendants of Adam
For the Holy God is soon at hand!
Cry out oh Church, for the Bridegroom is at the door!
This is an excellent, and
This is an excellent, and very timely, testimony.