Religion or Relationship


The ancients worshipped gods of war and harvest

Of fertility, music, travel, and waters

Now they worship a god of nothing,

Saying, “From nothing came everything”

“To nothing we return”

Or they claim, “matter is eternal,

a god ever-changing”

They claim their faith to be “science”

That their beliefs are the truth


But I know The Truth

I’ve been shown The Way

I’ve found meaning in The Life

I’ve loved Love

Learned from Wisdom

Rejoiced in Joy


In the cold of nothingness, “I AM”

In the beginning was The Word

The Word spoke into the nothingness

And created all matter, all that matters

Nothing is but the absence of Him

Darkness to Light, cold to Heat

Matter is but His will made manifest

From the God who breathes stars into being

The heavenly bodies trail in His wake

The God who set the laws 

Of space and time into existence

The Author of science and discovery 


Yet He descended and humbled Himself

Fully man, but fully God

To take onthe harvest of the evil we planted 

To save the lowliest of mankind 


Who am I that You are thinking of me?

That You hear me when I call?

A rebel and lawbreaker

Evil is my inheritance from the beginning 

Yet the Judge himself has bought me

The Son of the Judge has paid my bail

He has cleared my name of all wrongdoing

And I am His forevermore

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This is a magnificent

This is a magnificent testimony to the Faith.

Starwardized [fka Starward]