
When I talk to you and you don't care

When I look to you and you don't care

When I try to say I love you face to face and you don't care

Why you don't care?

You are cruel... But I don't care

When you don't care my eyes crying

  But I don't care

When I fall in your love and you don't care

It is tragedy

My heart is broken, when you don't care

My soul die out, when you don't care

Just smile and give me few minutes to look your pretty face

I can't explain my feel when you don't care

It is the hard time in my life

What can I do if I can't get your care?

     I don't care

Because I love if you care or don't care

My mind is nonplussed

My heart is depressed

Because I don't know  you love me or no

Now, I learned how talk to the girls

    But I don't care

Because you are different girl

I don't care if the way to your heart is hard

I promised myself, I will pass all the problems in my way to your heart

You are my dream and I can't live if the dream didn't   come true.

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Tawnya Waggle's picture

I really enjoyed your poem it is easy to relate. Keep writing!
feel free to look at my poems to.

poetvg's picture

i can relate this poem
nice work on it