Scott Meyer

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Fayetteville NC

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

I live in North Carolina at a mobile home park called Leisure Living Estates. The parks layout and overall look is nice but of course there is always the black eye of community. The black eye of this community is the Marijuana smoking black people around as well as the people that litter. Unfortunately I can do little about the drug problem because cops are lazy and will only confiscate them. However I can do something about the trash. One day I was walking around and picked up some trash on my street. (I have done this for years, being thenamesake of one of my nicknames "pockets".) I guess the owner saw me, and the next day I was offered the job of cleaning up the trash, in return I would get one hundred dollars off of my Mothers rent. The best part is that it is easy and I get to drive a modified golf-cart around. I love that mule for obvious reasons. (Me plus machine equals fun.) I am a junior at West over high School and I am currently enrolled in the Army JROTC, my rank is an E-4 and my position is Team Leader. I do not know why but I love to write anything poetry, stories, walk-through unless it is for school. Even if it is for school I am done in maybe twenty minutes for essays. After I finish school I plan to go into the Army and make a career out of it.
My immediate family includes my Mother Susan (whom I reside with) her nickname is Mooie Mare. My biological father Ron (I don't even recognize him as a father) and my brother Ronnie they live in Missouri. Plus many other aunts uncles cousins nieces and nephews.

About My Navel

Forgotten lost one...
Peering out to the world...
Covered by the cloth...
Protected by the hatred...
Consumed by hatred...
Must be forced out...
What is your point?

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

A mother cannot raise a child, a father cannot either, nor can a village. The one to raise a child will be he. For years his peers will mold him, but the second he learns of ways in which he enjoys, or people that accept him that are corrupt he too will have changed. But one that is never molded becomes a shell he knows where his place is, he knows the ways of himself, he is himself. Do not attempt to change him for a weathered bird will not become a phoenix.


Member for
20 years 8 weeks