Poor night moth on velvet wing

Beats at the flame,suffering.

Glows that light in puzzled brain.

Burns itself again,again.

Fearsome is the fear of fear,

Bought dread from the dread of seer.

In the dark where phantoms steal...

Here there sits a pain too real.

Better than some fiend loosing

Burns the hell of my own choosing.

That white flame that eats my brain

Is a devil with a name.

Now you'd take my candle bright,

Leave me in the waiting night,

Raped of my bright tomorrow...

Gift with a nameless sorrow.

Unmanacled...death deferred,

Unblemished goat of the herd,

Whole at last I wait your nod,

High priests of a nuclear god!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this when the cold war was at its hight and the nuclear threat was very real.

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salphire5's picture

Ah the helplessness. The stupid repetetive futile destructive acts of the beasts.
Very well expressed. I enjoyed reading this poem. Well done.
F. M. Salphire