Last path

book 13

The path so long

     before me lay

going to where

     I would not go


and I from it

     would gladly turn

I would follow

     another way


but that choice

     is not mine

and in it

     I had no say


another chose

     this path for me

and from it

     I cannot stray


it goes into

     the valley deep

where cold shadows

     dark do lay


I know not if

     I have the strength

to through the valley

     make my way


and its depths

     I do fear

that there in

     I may be trapped


hard is the light

     from there to see

and hope there in

     to hold to


I fear that I

     am far too weak

and from there

     to never leave




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This mesmerizing and haunting

This mesmerizing and haunting expression has a sleek, dreamy flow and a compelling ending which is open-ended, full of mystery. I was captivated.