A Midsummer dream

book 11

On a warm summer day

     while I was eating my lunch

my head did nod

     and I began to dream


chocolate donuts for wheels

     yellow carrots the axles were

the bed made of celery sticks

     a bright red apple did drive


and in the back

     little grape children rode

with bright little smiles

     they did wave to me


the road they drove down

     of graham crackers was made

and alongside did flow

     a river of milk I could see


I wanted to go

     and ride on with them

but I did wake

     from a summer dream



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Does this poem allude to

Does this poem allude to Shakespeare's play, A Midsummer Night's Dream?   The pastoral setting seemed to call for that interpretation.


Seeker's picture


You refers very loosely to the fact that I wrote it on the second day of summer

S74rw4rd's picture

Well shucks, my mistake . . .

Well shucks, my mistake . . . sorry about that.
