A midnight realization
From a delusional
sleep deprieved crazy
It's time to forget the world
And accept that this place is cold
That all the light that you have to create
from your heart is in vain in certain company
How people make you feel your love is useless
Something to use for their gain.
When there's something pulling at your heart
You shine so bright others naturally bend
like cocoanut trees hit by a gale
they'll never let you know
thats why
Dear Sleep-deprived
(hungry in semi-hallucined state): I think you've found a muse zone :D Nice write - thought bringing lines - slc
Thanks Stella
I'm kind of afraid to start writing again, I am but I'm not. I want to do great but I'm afraid it'll be good. I'll have to sit and stir in the silence and try dredge up..... mmmmm...... Something. I never know what I'm going to write most of the time. But I figure If I sit here and bleed my mind, It'll help.