During my journey in Mercy

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Woke up once again

this time i'm not screamin'

feel water burnin' down my cheeks

I've been cryin'

I feel a damp spot on my pillow

I'm trying to calm down but my heart is pounding though

i settle back down, let a fear tears escape

before you know, sleep once again takes it's take

Dreaming about some heart break

over the loss of the one you need

I feel my heart ache.

I hear myself whimper

as I start to wake

I don't know how much more i can take

my mind refuses to go back to bed

i can still feel the battle within my head

So i reach out my hand to the air

hoping for once that you'll be there, 

and I start to cry

because i can no longer even try and keep it in

and I try to breathe but my lungs are growing to thin

no one hears my pitiful whimper in the night

take me! Please! I am too exhausted to fight

I spend my days crying

on the inside i keep dying

and I call out for you

but i hear nothing, too

I know I prayed for you to move

because i need your love

but this is too much pain, I've had enough

i asked for you to fill me up

but i've never felt more empty

i ask for your protections but i feel

like you abandoned me

but yet i still reach, are both your hands taken?

Are you a God of miracles, or have I mistaken?

I asked to no longer feel, you still gave no answer

God are you even real?

please...take me home because 

i can't live in this pain

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