The joys of working in a call center

Vulgar words.
We are also human.
Not a machine.
Though we read through an interface.
Follow dumb rules,
And take you through a health form.
We sit in rows, and cubes in tight form.
We memorize medical jargon, and difficult words.
We abide by company rules.
On the phone we do not sound human.
We read monotonous scripts on a computer interface.
With practice we sound machine.
"Hang up its just a machine."
Perfect speech, perfect form.
Opt out press nine on the phone interface.
I just need your last four digits, and  read a few words.
Do you really say all those hurtful things to another human?
Hasn't your mother taught you good manners and rules.
No golden rules?
Just yell, and cuss like a child at a machine.
Act primitive, animalistic, something barely human.
Lose your poise, and classy form.
Spit harmful, degrading words.
Disposition: no longer interested on the interface.
No disposition for IQ the number of shoe size on the interface.
Don't argue, thems the rules.
Even if they say perverse words,
about my mother? You're a machine.
Cold, calculating, emotionless follow the form.
Machine mentality held in the flesh of the human.
My work makes me feel no longer human.
Programmed scripts from an interface.
Take as many prospects through the form.
Read them all the rules.
I feel like a machine,
Programmed to read words.
Reading words that do not sound human.
Hooked up to a machine staring at an interface.
Following rules and policies on a worn out form. 
Author's Notes/Comments: 

Wrote this sestina at work about work.

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