The bottom of my soul feels agiated
By the vigors of my body
The unrelenting irriations which
Consume my spirit on this day.
No peace in myself, my being
Feelings of annyonce envelope me
The release of sleep is a comfort
but only when it suits itself.
My mind, a clutter of horomones
Raged on inside me like a torando
Or even a violent thunderstorm.
I want to give into the irriations
Maybe it will make me feel whole
To run through this day like a mad
Hatter unable to stop.
To make it over to the otherside
Of the moon into the dawn of tomorrow.
Let these emotions run wild
To the extremes of today.
My soul feels agiated
The vigors are unrelenting
Today I run wild
Into the shine of the moon
And with the mist of the dawn
Into tomorrow.
Sherry B.
Sept 7/09