
i love the color


because it is strong

and i am weak

we like to lean againts

one another

giving each other

diffrent kinds of stength

to protect and be protected

this is all in the color


or the maybe

it is a person

giving off there personality



deep deep


meaning things like hate and love

giving color to blood and candy canes

giving me a conection

to people like my english teacher

who also likes

the color


i wish i was like the color


but i have too much

of diffrent colors

in me

but what diffent colors are you?

maybe you have a

little bit



in you.

maybe i could love you too?

like the color


Author's Notes/Comments: 

no one has commented for a long wile.....cries

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Red As A Color

Predominant in flags,

the bright hue is a wanton,

waving itself against the currents

of any wind.


Clothing as the color Red

call the eye and makes it listen.

It is a bold harphy

a wanton flamboyant dye lot.


Blood hits the air and cries,

"Red." It can not help it. There

are rivers of it, uniforms

stained with it. Surgeon's

hands are deep in that

most unrainbow like fabric.


There can be no stop signs

without red. Cars would crash

at intersections without the

change from amber to it.

Red, the only real hat possible

for a snowman in winter.





I hope this serves as a recent comment