Communication is Key

Communication is key,

A phrase like a door, but only half-ajar.

We speak, syllables tumbling like stones,

but do you listen,

or just wait for your turn to reply?


The words I carve from my breath,

sharp-edged and raw,

I offer them to you like a map,

tracing the scars of my mind,

the fractures of my heart.


But if your eyes glaze,

a wall of glass, reflecting only yourself,

then why do I bleed words?

Why do I bother?


It's not the saying, but the hearing,

the seeing beneath the surface,

the understanding stitched between the lines,

that binds us together.


Otherwise, we are just noise

colliding voices in a silent room,

talking to the walls,

while pretending we're understood.


So, if I speak, don't just nod.

Unravel my meaning,

see where I stand in the shadows of these words.

Or else, we're just two monologues,

adrift, never really speaking at all.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

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