Where You Are Is Perfect

In the grand tapestry of life, we often chase

The far-flung corners, the fleeting embrace,

Believing that fullness is found in the flight,

In the reckless abandon, in love at first sight.


But true living whispers in quiet repose,

In the roots that we plant, in the stillness we chose.

It's the gentle art of being where we stand,

Of building a home with our own two hands.


For life's deepest joys are not in the rush,

But in moments of peace, in the quiet hush.

It's in knowing yourself, in the comfort you bring,

In the small, simple acts that make your heart sing.


We need not prove, nor fight every day,

Sometimes it's enough just to be, come what may.

To let life unfold at a slow, steady pace,

To find in the little things a profound grace.


For as we grow inward, so too does life bloom,

From the stillness within, joy finds its true room.

And if we cannot find joy in what's small,

Then the big things, my friend, won't fulfill us at all.


So be where your feet are, let go of the race,

Life's richest rewards are in the simplest embrace.

It's okay to slow down, to let things be as they are,

For in stillness, we shine as life's brightest star.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Copyright 2024 Savva Emanon ©

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S74rw4rd's picture

I applaud both the title and

I applaud both the title and your very effective use of the ballad stanza.


Savvart's picture

Thank you

Thank you for taking the time to comment, it is very much appreciated :)