The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring

In a world where shadows weave and light does sing,

There stands a tale, "The Fellowship of the Ring,"

Of courage born in hearts both true and pure,

A journey bound in purpose, strong and sure.


Through forests deep and mountains tall, they roam,

Each step a march toward a distant, fabled home,

With burdens shared by hands of strength and trust,

They stride through lands of fear and ancient dust.


The ring, a symbol of a darkened might,

Its weight, a shadow cast in endless night,

Yet hope ignites in hearts that dare to dream,

To break the curse, to end the evil scheme.


Companions brave, in fellowship they stand,

Defying fate, they march to a promised land,

Through perils fierce and trials to endure,

Their bonds grow strong, their mission ever sure.


So let the tale be sung in songs of old,

Of those who dared, with hearts of fire and gold,

For in the pages of this epic tome,

The fellowship forever finds its home.

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