Healing Not Hurt

Imagine, who our children could be,

Untethered by the chains of legacy,

Where pain's echoes fade, and love's symphony

Plays softly through the years, eternally.


If we passed down healing, instead of hurt,

A world where kindness blooms in every heart,

Where burdens lift, and grievances divert,

Creating a new dawn, a sacred start.


Imagine us, unmarked by ancient scars,

With hands that soothe and words that mend and guide,

The future bright, like countless distant stars,

Our spirits free, our hearts undenied.


For if we choose to heal, and not to harm,

To cradle tender dreams within our palms,

We'd weave a tapestry, so warm, so calm,

A legacy of peace, our gentle psalms.


So let us teach our children how to heal,

To pass down love, to nurture and to feel,

A brighter world, where every wound can seal,

Imagine this – a future that is real.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Copyright 2024 Savva Emanon ©

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ramonathompsont's picture

its nice to dream about but

its nice to dream about but somehow I don't see it ever happening