You My Love, Are Poetry

In shadows cast by Time's relentless hand,

Where fleeting moments slip like grains of sand,

My love, you stand as verses finely spun,

A poem that outshines the morning sun.


In crowded streets and noise of worldly cares,

I hear shallow talk in empty echoes share,

You, like a sonnet, grace my quiet mind,

With beauty, depth, and thoughts forever kind.


For most, they are but words, mere sounds that fade,

In hollow chambers, fleeting, soon betrayed.

But you, my love, a sonnet's sweet refrain,

In every line, in every thought, remain.


Your laughter, gentle as a whispered rhyme,

Your touch, a meter in the march of time,

In every moment, you're a verse anew,

A poet's dream, a love forever true.


Each day with you, a stanza rich and sweet,

A sonnet's rhythm, love's eternal beat.

My love, to you, these words I softly sing,

For you, my love, are poetry in spring.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

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I have been reading Poetry

I have been reading Poetry since April of 1973.  And in all that time of reading, I cannot remember encountering a poem that compared the Beloved to Poetry.  The whole poem is excellently orchestrated:  the rhyme scheme, the flow of the sense from line to line, and the delicacy of the emotion conveyed---all of it is choreographed, or perfectly balanced like the gears and escapement of a fine clock before the digitial age.  I applaud your accomplishment here.


Savvart's picture

Thank you so much. This is

Thank you so much. This is actually a poem I wrote in 1981 and it's the first time it has been presented. I have also placed it on my youtube channel.

Thx again :)