
In the grand realm where thoughts collide, and silent whispers bloom,

Through shadows deep, where dreams abide, and hush the voice of gloom.

Colors bold and stark in flight, dance upon the canvas night,

Forms unseen by day's harsh light, birthed by the soul's lone sight.


Threads of thought we weave and twine, in the loom of the mind's design,

Into tapestries divine, that in hearts, like starlight, shine.

Songs unsung and tales untold, in the ether, they enfold,

Creativity's hands mold, life anew from the old.


Oh, sweet Creativity, you dauntless alchemist of the soul,

Who conjures beauty from the void, and makes the incomplete, whole.

You turn the grey of common clay, into golden veins of day,

For in your magic lies the way, to illuminate the fray.


In every stroke, in every line, in every word and rhyme,

A universe of yours and mine, born of moments, lost in time.

So, let us raise our voices clear, for all the cosmos to hear,

For Creativity, the seer, is the greatest pioneer.

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