sometimes in life,
suddenly stars might stray,
drifting so faraway
from their orbits
into new galaxies.
and when they do
I can't help but wonder why paths would cross
if they weren't meant
to be...
perhaps, is it to catch
a glimpse of what was
or what could have been
that wouldn't be
to finish what was started
or what was left
an unfinished mystery
in the thick of things
is it a mere coincidence;
a happenstance
or perhaps fate just
playing tricks on us?
or could it even be
there is a lesson or two
that life is trying to teach us,
but we're failing to see....
whatever the reason may be,
paths just don't cross
on their own if they weren't
predestined to be...
it's what we do with
every opportunity
that is offered us
that matters after all
is said and done..