A Saddened Angel

She sits in the corner alone, her wings enfolded around her.

Sadness overwhelms her and sorrow saturates her whole being.

An Angel with a tear in her eye is a sad thing to behold

For Angels should be bright and free and happy beings

Angels spread joy and  peace to those who need it most

This fallen angel now needs the peace and the brightness

She needs the hope and the joy, the reasons to go to tomorrow

Tis with pain and sorrow she hangs her head and waits for time

Time that will come and remove all the grief's and sadness’

The silent tears, unheard by many, flow like rivers and streams

Tears that spill from eyes of blue and over silken cheeks

They bring a golden glow upon the saddened face and make it shine

Surely time will weave its magical carpet of freedom and let her fly

Fly Angel Fly, see the heavens and know they exist for all time

So soar Angel, Fly high in the sky's great expanse of wonder

See the sun in all its glory, touch the clouds in their beauty

Fly where Angels have feared to fly before, go where no man has gone

Let not the troubles and cares of this world keep you grounded

But rather take each opportunity to bring Faith, Hope and Love

To the many that are out there weeping and wailing with sorrows

For indeed you sorrow not alone others weep the tears of sadness too

Saddened Angel rise and see, that indeed the Son looks on thee

Weep no more the tears of sorrow, for He will give you a new Tomorrow

Where pain and grief and tears will no more be yours to bear

But in their place he will bring joy, peace and happiness to you

Sweet Spirit of the loving God forgives and offers His sanctuary

Where forgivness reigns, and sorrows cease, here you will know Peace

Unfold your wings and fly sweet Angel, rise and follow Him to Paradise

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem I wrote at a time of my life when I was  at my lowest....but you know God pulls us through
He is my source of strength
I was indeed then a very saddened angel........

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