Hey kid!
Hey kid the glasses, whats up with the classless actress you rapped about
You’ve never had sex?
Understand the madness to attest to aimless music
Senseless useless
Act as though jesus was you
But jesus saved you
So who we been with
Boy whom we speak to
Hey kid with the bad scent, what’s up with the nonsense of no sense comments
You’ve never been punished
You've never been gutted
Yet you display a godsent
Of financial assets
Godspeed and goodness that no pious had sensed
Let there be bloodshed and let there be ratchet
Gang wars and landlords
Same world but tamed lure
Absurd and Abs hurt
Miss matched and match fixed
half mixed and preyed on
by credit and bad trips
and the police
they caugh them
hand in
and guilded stories and judges
no black man witnessed, back since
OJ had earnt
Jay Z has spent
David Bowie
Gave birth to frank’s shift
Blonded our choices
Of love and stories
Or conscious tug holding of reality’s mattress
So clap less and listen more
Had we not done
Roy Moore
Could have played us
Played us before
But we’re waking up
This time for sure
Napoleon regains Mineapolis