I used to be brave and stand so strong
So when did it all go wrong
Now I'm weak and empty inside
It is like a part of me died
When I'm in a crowd I feel so alone
I'm the only one who hears my moan
I look for help but fear it's too late
But I won't give up because this isn't my fate
I'm at the edge but I won't fall
For I won't give up on myself at all
We all can avoid an obstacle or two
New found happiness is in view
Never give up on anything real
For what is temporary is how you feel.
very nicely written! very
very nicely written! very goodx job how u put feelings in yer writings
The one who has faith has every thing!
hey great little rhyming
hey great little rhyming scheme and organisation of thoughts :) nice one!
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
Take it from me.....there is
Take it from me.....there is always hope.
A fighter, a survivor; strong till the end.
props!! good right
props!! good right