
through pain
I still smile

through bruises
I still stand

through tears
I still laugh

but there's something
I still don't understand

if you're moved away
and I'm still here
why am I still
afraid you'll come near?

if through lies
I still forgive

through the bad
I still find the good

through animosity
I still find love

then why is there still something
that's never been understood?

if you're moved away
and I'm still here
why am I still
afraid you'll come near?

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HisWithNoDoubt's picture

ehh child this is really

ehh child this is really good.

theforgotten's picture



Le'Vasseur's picture

This is awesome!

This is awesome!

solace_hero's picture

pretty powerful

It's good you're still able to find the good in the bad. makes my heart sad that someone can have that affect on you, i hope one day you will no longer fear that they'll come near. keep writing, you have powerful words that flow like water.