These Nails Cause Me To Hesitate


I feel the pain of these nails
in my tongue whenever the sleepers
invade my moments.. soft honeydipped
words that reach out to melt across
the heat of your waiting world as warm
rain on a hot summer day are held back
as I speak with the distance that we
all place between each other..I look
over your body and even as you wonder
whether or not your makeup is done right
or your dress is on straight I can almost
feel a warm hand gliding up your body with
the skill of a painter.. surveying the beauty
that hides in each curve of you as he tries
to map it with his own hands..the pain of them
melts away as I listen to your words.. focusing
on each one. .. using it to see the sights of
the world through your minds eye..I sense your
pleasure speaking to me from whispers deep
within you and these nails cause me to hesitate
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Interesting work. I like it.

Interesting work. I like it.

Vive le Quebec libre!