In The Middle Of The Beast

Work! Don't play! 
Your life will 
be measured 
by the controls 
you set on 

Study! Don't think! 
Compete to the 
point of 
frustration for 
a piece of paper. 

Obey! Don't ask questions! 
Asking 'why' points 
you out as 
an agitator, 
even though you 
are just confused by 
the apparent 
of most things. 

Fit in! don't stand out! 
It's better if we 
all look the same. 
It makes it easier to 
treat us all 
like robots. 
Lines and lines 
of empty eyes 
marching nowhere 
for no-one. 

Be straight! Don't take drugs! 
The fear being 
that a relaxed stated 
of mind towards reality 
may make you see 
the hypocrisies of 
the game. 
Even a game 
like 'Monopoly' 
makes more sense than 
the games played 
by the so-called 
'real world'. 

Make money! Don't make waves! 
Spend your whole life 
playing currency collection. 
Percentage and profits 
being the only things 
to make you 
a valid human being. 

Cry! Don't smile! 
It really is so easy 
to chase it all off. 
To let them 
enforce their 
restricting rules 
on somebody else. 

Think! Be free!

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Vive le Quebec libre!