
Published Works

Love doesn't last a life-time.
At least that's how it seems to me.
Some people think love is forever.
Or so they would like it to be.
Seems my love was not wanted,
so I wander through the forest trees.

Flowers grow lovely in a garden.
They last forever in a loving heart.
Her love for me has not grown;
so I wander afraid in the dark.
Tasting again her lips in memory;
which never kiss me anymore.

Forest songs fill my footsteps
as I walk through the trees.
Wondering why she doesn't care;
why doesn't she want to be with me.
Seems my love is not needed,
so I die inside, outside in the trees.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Published in "Outcry". Feb. 1980

Also published in "Dreams and Visions. Volume 5" (4 Winds Press) 1982

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Nice poem, love your work

Nice poem, love your work

Vive le Quebec libre!