
Published Works

The waves on the lake roar
like angry children
throwing a tantrum.

They leave a taste of
bitterness in your mouth.

The rejection is there
but you don't feel it.

The solemn faces are present
but you cannot see them.

Ignorance is truly bliss.

Forgetting even better.

Sit by the edge of the lake
and dangle your hopes
in the insistent water.

Let ambition be drowned.

It only holds you back.

Someone has thrown an
empty bottle into the lake.

Its symbolism is not
known to you.

You watch it bob upon
the angry waves.

Wondering why nothing is
inside of it.

It reminds you of your soul.

Empty and false. Demanding
no known contributions.

The glass is clear but the
inside is full of air.

Nothing shall ever look the
same to you again.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Published in "The Cynic Online" 2010

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 You have a gift for writing

 You have a gift for writing from the soul!

Vive le Quebec libre!