I listened to my favourite Beatles album.
Closed my eyes as the harmonies glistened
in my ears.
Remembered when I bought the album, the LP.
Sign of my old age.
I miss those days. I miss not being tired,
uncomfortable, disorientated.
I watched a man nearly die today. He lay
in a bed near to mine.
Apparently he felt the luxury of ingesting
who knows what illegal drugs.
Foolish man.
Stupid man.
I almost wish he could trade places with me.
That he could feel the aching of disease.
That is what this is. A disease. An abhorrent
series of bad growing like weeds in a garden.
If they pull the weeds,
if they are successful,
I'll change lots of
choices I've made.
Choices. There's a thought! To be free again
to make choices.
I have none now. I'm victim to the needs to
cure the body.
A nurse mentioned to me that faith was
an important factor
in the healing process.
"Of course", she said, "I personally don't believe
in God."
And I thought,
"Ah, another person
with the luxury of choices.
Was so glad to get home. To put on this album, this CD.
That's the modern term.
This disease is my enemy, my rope around my neck.
It does not
John, Paul, and George