The Cancer Collection

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Author's Full Portfolio

Title Comments Views Updated Posted
1 The Coffin Lowered In The Grave 1 171 2015/10/22 8 years ago
2 Shattered Glass At My Feet, Cancer In My Lungs 2 185 2015/10/22 8 years ago
3 A Word Or Two Of Advice For This Accursed Cancer 142 2015/10/13 8 years ago
4 Come Into My Walk And Lead My Feet To You 151 2015/10/13 8 years ago
5 Terminal 160 2015/10/13 8 years ago
6 The Sailor On His Journey 158 2015/10/13 8 years ago
7 Radiation Rambling 128 2015/10/13 8 years ago
8 Regardless Of Positive Attitude Or Strength Of Hope Held 132 2015/10/13 8 years ago
9 A World Of Colour 175 2015/10/13 8 years ago
10 Lord, May I Be Ready 145 2015/10/13 8 years ago
11 Light Of Infinite Empty 133 2015/10/13 8 years ago
12 Walls Of Certain Depth 131 2015/10/13 8 years ago
13 Hollow As The Hole 146 2015/10/13 8 years ago
14 In The Empty 143 2015/10/13 8 years ago
15 And Now Comes The Weeping 139 2015/10/13 8 years ago
16 A Year Or So From Now 155 2015/10/13 8 years ago
17 Fill Me With The Sedatives Of Your Mercy 137 2015/10/13 8 years ago
18 Morning Sunshine Causes Shadows 137 2015/10/13 8 years ago
19 It Is Time Again. Pop Another Pill. 140 2015/10/13 8 years ago
20 Words Escape, And So They Should 137 2015/10/13 8 years ago
21 The Sound Of Rain 137 2015/10/13 8 years ago
22 Greetings from the Care Team at Windsor Regional Cancer Centre 202 2015/10/13 8 years ago
23 My Jesus, I Trust In You 121 2015/10/13 8 years ago
24 Funeral Skies And Melancholy Sun 154 2015/10/13 8 years ago
25 When The Grass Turns Brittle And Darkly Brown 136 2015/10/13 8 years ago
26 If I Should Die Before I Wake 130 2015/10/13 8 years ago
27 Yes, Flavourless Prescriptions Are Intimidating 119 2015/10/13 8 years ago
28 Grey 149 2015/10/13 8 years ago
29 The Action Plan 141 2015/10/13 8 years ago
30 Words On A Sunday 142 2015/10/13 8 years ago
31 City Traffic Sounds With A Touch Of Insomnia 126 2015/10/13 8 years ago
32 Choices And The Flavour Of Living 153 2015/10/13 8 years ago
33 Always The Morning Comes 133 2015/10/13 8 years ago
34 Restless Night, Imagination Rambling 140 2015/10/13 8 years ago
35 Turning The Day Over To Him 138 2015/10/13 8 years ago
36 Busy Making Busy 1 146 2015/10/13 8 years ago
37 Emergency Room Musing 135 2015/10/13 8 years ago
38 Whispers The Heart, Oh Jesus 139 2015/10/13 8 years ago
39 Intrusion 121 2015/10/13 8 years ago
40 Cancer Calls. A Week Begins 160 2015/10/13 8 years ago