
You forcefully push me to the ground.
I fall and try not to make a sound.
My face meets pavement.
I feel broken,..my body's bent.
Frozen and numb inside.
Your foot and my abdomen collide.
Doubled over in pure agony.
Pain so harsh, I cant see.
You step on my spine, I hear the crunch.
I scream in pain, as you throw me a punch.
I lay motionless as you walk away,
Spit in my face and say "have a shitty day."

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crimsonangel24's picture


You know it really does sound likw you have been there before. Thank you for posting this.

Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. I think I've forgotten this before. - Steven Wright

People like you are the reason people like me exsist. Out of a song of the same title by a band called 'Say Anything'

sammajamma's picture

youre thanking me for posting

youre thanking me for posting a poem? well, thank you for commenting! :D