Bubble Juggle

You’ve got troubles? Change ‘em to bubbles

And juggle those troubles away.

Just toss ‘em up high, up to the sky

And enjoy the glorious day.

Some of those bubbles, once named troubles

Will just burst in the atmosphere

And those that descend will just transcend

From weights to very light and clear.

Spin them around, high above the ground

As you send them now on their route.

See the colours blur, as they defer

To the master juggler-they’re moot.

Ruby red love troubles are now dead.

Sapphire blues have met the same fate.

Topaz which shone with greed has now gone.

No primary concerns now rate.

Tumbling through air, unprotected, bare,

Exposed to the day’s smiling start,

Trouble bubbles pop, can’t stay on top

The colours spill to paint your heart.

You had troubles, changed ‘em to bubbles

And juggled those troubles away.

Just tossed ‘em up high, up to the sky

And enjoyed the glorious day.

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Chelsea N.'s picture

Loved it!
The title interested me, looks like I wasn'y at all disappointed!
Great Job!!!