A Special Man

You are the light in the darkness of my soul

You have unselfishly given me strength

Encouragement and belief in myself

You return warmth to my body and my thoughts

You give me back the precious gift of hope

You are a special man.

There is such wonderful peace within you

A peace such as I have never possessed

You give me feelings that I can bear all

Now I  understand living for the moment.

Not continuing to live in the past

You are a special man.

With your sure love I feel I can beat the world

Your support has given me much courage

You've shown love can challenge hell's depths and win

I know what a fortunate woman I am

To have you share all aspects of my life

You are a special man.

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TREXPATTON's picture

I think I understand your feelings. Especially those of living for the moment now, rather than being captured in the past. Someone has freed me in this same way, and I thank God for her.

"Poe" I'm not, nor "Rich" am I,
but I'll be famous, b'ye and b'ye !

laghorses's picture

wow i really like that it summed up how i feel about my bf