Ah! Life Is Good

Ah! Life is good,

Come reap its harvest.

Ah! Life is good

Hark to the joy filling the air-

If you're alert, it's everywhere.

Oft time, it's sounds filling the breeze

Laughter, bird songs, leaves on the trees.

Sometimes it's blossoms smiling high

Spreading goodwill -though eve be nigh.

Ah! Life is good,

Come reap its harvest.

Ah! Life is good.

Pay heed to your friends, there for you.

Love is joy. Partake of it, do.

Touch is essential -it's a must

Open wide your arms. Hug or bust.

Ah! Life is good,

Come reap its harvest.

Ah! Life is good.

Delight yourself with life's pleasures

And fill yourself with life's treasures

Ah! Life is good,

Come reap its harvest.

Ah! Life is good.

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blumentopf's picture

What a delightful poem.!
Yes life is good! - so great a gift, replete with opportunities.
Even during Lent there are plenty of feast days,
1. Transfiguration, 2.St. Patrick, 2 days later St. Joseph,
and yesterday the Annunciation. Oh joy - 9-months wait and a little baby boy. Lent is not glum, joy peaks around every corner.
Great write Fleur!
Thank you for sharihng.
Love and peace!

Elizabeth Dandy