Summer Storm

The eerie yellow light before the storm,

The sky in various tones of darkening grey,

Tree tops bowed in strengthening air currents

Send a message to stragglers this day.

Booming thunder echoes 'cross the sky line

Mumbling, moaning, groaning in its distress.

Tethered dogs begin their incantations,

The darkened atmosphere begins to press.

Hordes of flies cling to nearby surfaces,

The hot air becomes dense and hard to breathe,

Heavy drops begin their crazy rhythm

Until the ground begins to wetly seethe.

Crack! goes lightning 'cross the murky heavens

Splitting them asunder with seeming ease,

Calling attention to the firmament

Visible now and then through weaving trees.

Madly, badly pours the invading force

Conquering, laying siege to native life forms

And amid this pounding, driving, hard beat

Nature plans its rebound from the wild storm.

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Tom Elio's picture

Excellent personification..excellent mood of violence and gripping force. I could clearly visualize the storm you portray. Excellent work!

salphire5's picture

Summer Storm

Edifying comment. Thank you so much, I really appreciate your evaluation.