Santa Sometimes...

What a demanding day it had been

Today they had redone their wills.

Thanks goodness for the use of a car

Theft of theirs had increased  their ills.    

How much longer would they have it

Living out of town as they did

With Death, the great spectre, looming close

And not going away as they bid.

What turmoil, despair, desperation

They lived through each day and each night.

His wife would be dead soon, they both knew,

Despite all their attempts to fight.

Meanwhile he injected her stomach

In an effort to retain meals,

He drove her for chemo and x-rays-

Every day he had need of his wheels.

Concerning the huge deadly blood clot

That crippled his own lower limb

He had no more time to baby it

He had to appear full of vim.

When insurance stopped paying for this car

And that, it seemed, was tomorrow,

How was he going to manage then?

He could never beg, nor borrow.

With red-rimmed eyes and unsteady step

He set to his chores with new dread

Summoning a reassuring smile    

For his dying wife in their bed.

When the door bell rang and he answered,

His sister stood there- gift in glove.          

It was much money from family

"Santa sometimes comes early, love."

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