
Hyacinth, jacinthe - most cherished flower to me now

You symbol of the precious things in life

I shall ever keep your essence close to my mind's touch -

You represent an element of love.

Your beautiful flower is love

Your graceful support stems from it

Your leaf-shields surround and frame you-

Highlight your delicate beauty

Your roots are in the richest loam -

Mutual appreciation-

And your scent, your scent is divine!

Hyacinth - finding you is rare

When you do make an appearance,

It is surely memorable.

Your presence is always welcomed

And your poetry's airs  revered.

Your waves of nostalgia flood us

And bring us to eternal spring.

Hyacinth, jacinthe - most cherished flower to me now

You symbol of the precious things in life,

I shall keep your essence ever close to my mind's touch -

You represent my renewed trust in love.

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