Broken Wing

I'm missing you so much I'm saddened.

I'm missing you so much I'm blue.

I feel that I've done

Something to some one

And this is the way I lose you,

Yes, this is the way I lose you.

I'm sure you're disgusted with me now;

I'm sure that I do not know why.

I must be at fault

-Cooking with no salt?-

With one wing I can't really fly,

No, with one wing I just can't fly.

You put the smile in my heart, dear love,

And you know that you put it there.

It doesn't seem right

For you to take flight.

I'm grounded and you're in the air,

Oh, grounded while you're in the air.

I miss you so much that I'm angry

And that anger turns in on me.

At least you could phone,

Say why I'm alone -

That's your responsibility -

Then fly on your own and be free.

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perception's picture

very, very beautiful. I love the idea behind this poem

salphire5's picture

Broken Wing

Great to have a comment from you again. Thank you for it.