Lighthouse Beacon

Your lighthouse beacon shines my way.                                

Awareness of nearness to danger                                          

Beams brillliantly through mesmer-eyes -                              

My reaction is even stranger.                                                  

Rather than turning quickly away                                        

To avoid the hidden perils nearby                                        

I  steer directly to that light's source,                                  

The fierce wind in my sails making me fly.                          


In  the crow's nest of my mind                                          

Farsightedness isn't evident                                              

"Full speed ahead and damn the rocks"                              

As a motto, calls for accident.                                          

You damnable rogue, full of brightness -                            

I'm attracted as a moth to a flame.                                    

I speed to you, risking destruction.                                    

Insanity, I now know your true name.                                    

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